Friday, April 11, 2008

Home Foreclosure

I am posting in regards to Jason Lundin’s blog, No Foreclosure Bailout. I have to agree with you Jason about the fact that the government should not bail people out completely. I am hoping to soon be a home owner myself, and have heard tons of horror stories with loans. I usually do financial research before doing any kind of investment. A lot of people do not know where to get started. I do believe the government should offer free debt relief classes and work with the people to get on a plan to pay their debt and keep their houses. I know a few people that have gone to debt relief classes and were very pleased by them. Education and making someone apply it themselves create a self efficient person. If you completely bail someone out, they have learned nothing. They will still not know how to keep from falling in the same situation again.

I think they should start teaching high school students how to stay out of debt. Investing, saving, and smart financing so that they will stay on a good path and not overextend their finances. They do teach this at high schools, but it is not mandatory and very limited. In the article “An ‘F’ for economics curriculum,” Ruth Mantell states that only 17 states require students take an economics class to graduate high school. Only seven states require a person-finance course to graduate.

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