Friday, February 8, 2008

Lenient Spending

Monday, February 4th bush rolled out a $3.1 trillion budget proposal for additional military. He plans to cut projected spending for Medicare and Medicaid, having a noticeable impact in Texas. The plan assumes higher taxes on upper middle class, doesn’t include the additional funding for the wars in Iraq beyond 2009. Ideally it is suppose to cause a surplus by 2012 to get us out debt. It was cut funding from the state for Medicaid causing Texas to shift funds from other programs or drop the Medicaid amount reimbursed. This will cause lack of care or more money out of the pocket for the society. Some of the other programs that could be cut include but not limited to is, noncitizens in state prison, grants for undergraduate students, highway planning and construction, foster care, anti – poverty programs and subsidized housing. The $5.9 trillion hole we are in for “necessary” spending to defend against terrorism and to wage the wars in the Middle East. “Security is worth whatever it takes in order to make sure that we’re secure,” said Mr. Nussle. Defense and security are areas to grow in Bush’s budget. Defense would rise to $515 billion, the most inflation-adjusted term since WWII. 70 billion goes to the war in the Middle East. Bush would eliminate research funding for oil & natural gas exploration and provide a measly 1 million for energy-efficiency & renewable programs. I think all Americans should be aware of government spending for the fact that it affects their own life. How your money is spent effects your life through the money you take home to the services from your government you enjoy. Without people taking notice to government spending allows the government to choose for you, and no government official makes perfect decisions.

Bush's Spending Plan

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